Ethernet ModuleMCF5272 ColdFire ® Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual, Rev. 3Freescale Semiconductor 11-7.In promiscuous mode (PROM = 1 in RCR), the FEC receives all of the incoming frames regardless of theiraddress. In this mode, the destination address lookup is still performed and RxBD[MISS] is setaccordingly. If address recognition did not achieve a match, the frame is received with RxBD[MISS] set.If address recognition achieves a match, the frame is received without setting RxBD[MISS].Figure 11-4. Ethernet Address Recognition FlowchartTable 11-3. Ethernet Address RecognitionDestinationAddress Type FEC Address Processingindividual The FEC compares the destination address field of the received frame with the 48-bit MAC addressprogrammed into MALR and The FEC determines whether or not the group address is a broadcast address. If not broadcast, a hash tablelookup is performed using the 64-entry hash table defined in HTLR and HTUR.broadcast The frame is accepted unconditionally.Check AddressReceive FrameSet Miss BitI/G Address?Receive FrameHash Match?Receive FrameReceive FramePromiscuousDiscard FramePerfect Match?BroadcastAddress?GIFalseTrueFalseTrueFalseTrue (RCR[PROM] = 1)TrueFalseMode?(RCR[PROM] = 0)