MCF5272 ColdFire ® Integrated Microprocessor User’s Manual, Rev. 3xliv Freescale SemiconductorConventionsThis document uses the following notational conventions:MNEMONICS In text, instruction mnemonics are shown in uppercase.mnemonics In code and tables, instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase.italics Italics indicate variable command parameters.Book titles in text are set in italics.0x0 Prefix to denote hexadecimal number0b0 Prefix to denote binary numberREG[FIELD] Abbreviations for registers are shown in uppercase. Specific bits, fields, or rangesappear in brackets. For example, RAMBAR[BA] identifies the base address fieldin the RAM base address register.nibble A 4-bit data unitbyte An 8-bit data unitword A 16-bit data unit 1longword A 32-bit data unitx In some contexts, such as signal encodings, x indicates a don’t care.n Used to express an undefined numerical value¬ NOT logical operator& AND logical operator| OR logical operator1. The only exceptions to this appear in the discussion of serial communication modules that support variable-length datatransmission units. To simplify the discussion these units are referred to as words regardless of length.