Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface92Expanding the TreeThe icons representing all components implemented on or connected tothe EMX device are expanded by default. If they are hidden, you mayexpand the tree manually to show all component icons.To expand the tree:1. By default, the EMX folder has been expanded.Note: The EMX folder is named "EMX" by default. The name can becustomized. See Naming the EMX (on page 110).If it is not expanded, click the white arrow prior to the folder icon,or double-click the folder. The arrow then turns into a black, gradientarrow , and icons of components or component groups appearbelow the EMX folder.2. To expand any component group at the second level, click the whitearrow prior to the folder icon, or double-click the folder.The arrow then turns into a black, gradient arrow , and iconsrepresenting individual components appear below the group folder.