Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface174Field Type this informationCommon Name The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your EMX device.Email Address An email address where you or another administrative user can bereached.Note: All fields in the Subject section are mandatory, except for theOrganization, Organizational Unit and Email Address fields. If yougenerate a CSR without values entered in the required fields, youcannot obtain third-party certificates. In the Key Creation Parameters section:Field Do thisKey Length Select the key length (bits) from the drop-down list in this field. Alarger key length enhances the security, but slows down the EMXdevice's response.Self Sign For requesting a certificate signed by the CA, ensure thischeckbox is NOT selected.Challenge Type a password. The password is used to protect the certificate orCSR. This information is optional, and the value should be 4 to 64characters long.The password is case sensitive, so ensure you capitalize the letterscorrectly.Confirm Challenge Type the same password again for confirmation.4. Click Create New SSL Key to create both the CSR and private key.This may take several minutes to complete.5. To download the newly-created CSR to your computer, clickDownload Certificate Signing Request.a. You are prompted to open or save the file. Click Save to save itonto your computer.b. After the file is stored on your computer, submit it to a CA toobtain the digital certificate.c. If intended, click Delete Certificate Signing Request to removethe CSR file permanently from the EMX device.6. To store the newly-created private key on your computer, clickDownload Key. You are prompted to open or save the file. ClickSave to save it onto your computer.7. Click Close to quit the dialog.