Appendix I: Additional EMX Information533Note: For most sensors, the measurement unit in the "Assertion Timeout"field is sample. Because the EMX measures each sensor every second,timing of a sample is equal to a second.How "Assertion Timeout" is helpful:If you have created an event rule that instructs the EMX to sendnotifications for assertion events, setting the "Assertion Timeout" ishelpful for eliminating a number of notifications that you may receive incase the sensor's reading fluctuates around a certain threshold.Assertion Timeout Example for Temperature SensorsAssumption:Upper Warning threshold is enabled.Upper Warning = 25 (degrees Celsius)Assertion Timeout = 5 samples (that is, 5 seconds)When a temperature sensor's reading exceeds 25 degrees Celsius,moving from the "normal" range to the "above upper warning" range, theEMX does NOT immediately announce this warning state. Instead itwaits for 5 seconds, and then does either of the following: If the temperature remains above 25 degrees Celsius in the "aboveupper warning" range for 5 seconds, the EMX turns on the"assertion" action to announce the "above upper warning" state. If the temperature drops below 25 degrees Celsius within 5 seconds,the EMX does NOT turn on the "assertion" action.