Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface2767. Click OK.Configuring Temperature and Fan ThresholdsAn LHX/SHX heat exchanger is implemented with various sensors fordetecting the air temperature, water temperature, and fan speed.You can set thresholds for these sensors so that the EMX alerts youwhen any sensor readings are getting close to a critical condition.The LHX/SHX settings are stored on the EMX port where the LHX/SHXdevice is connected, and are lost if that device is moved to a differentport.To configure the thresholds for a sensor:1. Expand the Auxiliary Ports or Feature Ports folder as needed.2. Click the desired LHX/SHX device. Its page opens in the right pane.3. Select the desired sensor in the Sensors table and click SetupThresholds, or double-click that sensor.The setup dialog for the selected sensor appears.