Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface374config:#security ipAccessControl ipv4 rule modify ipMask policy IPv6 commandsModify an IPv6 rule's IP address and/or prefix length:config:#security ipAccessControl ipv6 rule modify ipMaskModify an IPv6 rule's policy:config:#security ipAccessControl ipv6 rule modify policyModify all contents of an IPv6 existing rule:config:#security ipAccessControl ipv6 rule modify ipMask policy Variables: is one of the options:inorout.DirectionDescriptioninInbound traffic.outOutbound traffic. is the number of the existing rule that you want tomodify. is the combination of the IP address and subnet maskvalues (or prefix length), which are separated with a slash. Forexample, an IPv4 combination looks like this: is one of the options:accept,droporreject.OptionDescriptionacceptAccepts traffic from/to the specified IPaddress(es).dropDiscards traffic from/to the specified IPaddress(es), without sending any failurenotification to the source or destination host.