Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface408Changing the Sensor NameThis command names an environmental sensor.config:# externalsensor name ""Variables: is the ID number of the environmental sensor that you want toconfigure. The ID number is available in the EMX web interface orusing the command "show externalsensors " in the CLI. It isan integer between 1 and 32. is a string comprising up to 32 ASCII printable characters.The variable must be enclosed in quotes when it containsspaces.Note: To name an actuator, see Actuator Configuration Commands(on page 417).Specifying the CC Sensor TypeRaritan's contact closure sensor (DPX-CC2-TR) supports the connectionof diverse third-party or Raritan's detectors/switches. You must specifythe type of connected detector/switch for proper operation. Use thiscommand when you need to specify the sensor type.config:# externalsensor sensorSubType Variables: is the ID number of the environmental sensor that you want toconfigure. The ID number is available in the EMX web interface orusing the command "show externalsensors " in the CLI. It isan integer between 1 and 32. is one of these types: contact, smokeDetection,waterDetection or vibration.Type Descriptioncontact The connected detector/switch is for detection ofdoor lock or door closed/open status.smokeDetection The connected detector/switch is for detection ofthe smoke presence.waterDetection The connected detector/switch is for detection ofthe water presence.