Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface18216. Base DN for Search - Enter the name you want to bind against theLDAP/LDAPS (up to 31 characters), and where in the database tobegin searching for the specified Base DN. An example Base Searchvalue might be: cn=Users,dc=raritan,dc=com. Consult your AAserver administrator for the appropriate values to enter into thesefields.17. Type the following information in the corresponding fields. LDAPneeds this information to verify user names and passwords. Login name attribute (also called AuthorizationString) User entry object class User search subfilter (also called BaseSearch)Note: The EMX will preoccupy the login name attribute and userentry object class with default values, which should not be changedunless required.18. Active Directory Domain - Type the name of the Active DirectoryDomain. For example, Consult with your ActiveDirectory Administrator for a specific domain name.19. To verify if the authentication configuration is set correctly, you mayclick Test Connection to check whether the EMX can connect to theremote authentication server successfully.Tip: You can also do this by using the Test Connection button in theAuthentication Settings dialog.20. Click OK. The new LDAP server is listed in the AuthenticationSettings dialog.21. To add additional LDAP/LDAPS servers, repeat Steps 3 to 20.22. Click OK. The LDAP authentication is now in place.To duplicate LDAP/LDAPS server settings:If you have added any LDAP/LDAPS server information to the EMX, andthe server you are adding shares identical or similar settings with anexisting server, the most convenient way is to duplicate thatLDAP/LDAPS server's data.1. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 in the above procedure to add the LDAP/LDAPSserver you want.2. Select the "Use settings from LDAP Server" checkbox.3. Click the drop-down arrow below the checkbox to select theLDAP/LDAPS server whose settings you want to copy.4. Make necessary changes to the information shown.5. Click OK.