Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface383config:#security roleBasedAccessControl ipv4 enabled Determine the IPv4 role-based access control policy:config:#security roleBasedAccessControl ipv4 defaultPolicy IPv6 commandsEnable or disable the IPv6 role-based access control feature:config:#security roleBasedAccessControl ipv6 enabled Determine the IPv6 role-based access control policy:config:#security roleBasedAccessControl ipv6 defaultPolicy Variables:trueorfalse.OptionDescriptiontrueEnables the role-based access control feature.falseDisables the role-based access control feature. is one of the options:allowordeny.PolicyDescriptionallowAccepts traffic from all IP addresses regardless ofthe user's role.denyDrops traffic from all IP addresses regardless ofthe user's role.Tip: You can combine both commands to modify all role-based accesscontrol parameters at a time. SeeMulti-Command Syntax(on page431).