Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface371config:#security ipAccessControl ipv6 defaultPolicyIn Determine the default IPv6 firewall control policy for outboundtraffic:config:#security ipAccessControl ipv6 defaultPolicyOut Variables:trueorfalse.OptionDescriptiontrueEnables the IP access control feature.falseDisables the IP access control feature. is one of the options:accept,droporreject.OptionDescriptionacceptAccepts traffic from all IP addresses.dropDiscards traffic from all IP addresses, withoutsending any failure notification to the source host.rejectDiscards traffic from all IP addresses, and anICMP message is sent to the source host forfailure notification.Tip: You can combine both commands to modify all firewall controlparameters at a time. SeeMulti-Command Syntax(on page 431).Managing Firewall RulesYou can add, delete or modify firewall rules using the CLI commands.An IPv4 firewall control rule command begins withsecurityipAccessControl ipv4 rule.An IPv6 firewall control rule command begins withsecurityipAccessControl ipv6 rule.Adding a Firewall RuleDepending on where you want to add a new firewall rule in the list, thecommand for adding a rule varies.IPv4 commandsAdd a new rule to the bottom of the IPv4 rules list: