Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface100The Yellow- or Red-Highlighted SensorsWhen a numeric sensor's reading enters the warning or critical range,the background color of the sensor row turns to yellow or red for alertingyou.For a discrete (on/off) sensor, the row changes the background colorwhen the sensor enters the abnormal state.Note: Numeric sensors show both numeric readings and sensor states toindicate environmental or internal conditions while discrete (on/off)sensors show sensor states only to indicate state changes.See the table for the meaning of each color:Color StateWhite The background is white in one of the following scenarios: For a numeric sensor, no thresholds have beenenabled. If any thresholds have been enabled for a numericsensor, the sensor reading is within the normal range,which is between the lower and upper warningthresholds. For a discrete (on/off) sensor, the sensor state isnormal. The sensor is unavailable or unmanaged.Yellow The reading drops below the lower warning threshold orrises above the upper warning threshold.Red The meaning of the red color varies depending on thesensor type: For a numeric sensor, this color indicates the readingdrops below the lower critical threshold or rises abovethe upper critical threshold. For a discrete (on/off) sensor, this color indicates thesensor is in the "alarmed" state. For a Schroff® LHX/SHX heat exchanger (if available),this color indicates that at least one sensorimplemented on that heat exchanger fails.