OPERATIONImage Acquisition (Acquire) LSM 5104-48 B 40-51 e 07/98The Ratio Settings box in the "Configuration Control" window makes it possible to determine fromwhich of the two channels a ratio channel is created. The interrelation between the channels can bedetermined through three formulas available for selection.Clicking on the button in the LSM 510 tool bar and the button in the "ScanControl" window will display the defined channels and the ratio channel in the Channel Settings panel.Clicking on the button for the ratio channel will open the following window:Three formulas are available for the linking of the two channels. Selecting the formula via the , and buttons will automatically store the formula and thus define the ratio channel.Note: Recording Configuration is not applicable in the case of Add Track If a Track is deactivated via Ratio Channel, the ratio channel is deleted. Optimization via the Find function is possible only for each individual Track.Fig. 4-48