INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-43Morphology - CloseThis function carries out a closing.Fig. 5-23In the Morphology dialog window, the tab sheet Close must be selected.This function carries out a dilation followed by an erosion. For the most part, the closing maintains theoriginal size of the regions. Connections are formed between adjacent regions; gaps and bright concavebulges in the contours of regions are filled in. The closing is applied Count times to the grey value imagesequence Input with the shape Shape. If Input is a multichannel sequence any number and combinationof channels can be selected. Output will only get the selected channels as results.The Count scroll bar determines the number of recursive operations.The following shapes (numbered 1 to 3 from left to right) are available:If Grey Morphology is selected the function will respect all grey value shades of the sequence Input. IfGrey Morphology is not selected the function will distinguish between 0 and non-0 only. The resultOutput will be a binary sequence.