INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYFunctions LSM 5105-36 B 40-051 e 07/98Sequential image:Z-2Z-1ZZ+1Z+2Volume view: Cube cross shape: createdthrough application of "cube"and "cross" one after the other.For regions (voxels) that are at the edge of the image sequence, it assumed for erosion that there arewhite voxels with a grey value of 255 (4095) outside the edge. For dilation, it is assumed that there areblack voxels with the grey value 0 outside the image sequence.If the Grey Morphology tickbox is activated, erosion sets the grey value of the central voxel to theminimum of all neighboring voxels affected by the structural element; dilation sets the grey value of thecentral voxel to the maximum.If the Grey Morphology tickbox is not activated, the neighboring voxels are only distinguished by greyvalue 0 and non-0. For erosion the central voxel is set to 0 if any of the neighbors is 0. It is set to 255(4095) if any neighbor is not 0. For dilation the central voxel is set to 255 (4095) if any of the neighborsis not 0. It is set to 0 if all neighbors are 0.Erosion reduces the size of bright regions, separates thin connections between them, and makes smallregions disappear. Dilation, on the other hand, makes bright regions of the image grow in size, fills gaps,and smoothes small contour details.