OPERATIONLSM 510 Image OptimizationB 40-051 e 07/98 4-95 Click on the button in the main menu. This opens the "Scan Control" window. In the "Scan Control" window, set the parameters in the same way as described for single-channelpresentation. Click on the button in the "Scan Control" window. This starts the scanning process. The scanned image appears in a separate window.Fig. 4-104+ As a rule, the first scanned image (Pre-Scan) is not ideal, since the photomultiplier is notmatched to the light output. More often than not, the screen image is dull and needssubsequent optimization. Click on the button to release a single scan, or on the button to release acontinuous scan.You can stop the scanning process with the button at any time. Clicking on the buttonopens a new window for the next scan.