INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYFunctions LSM 5105-34 B 40-051 e 07/98MorphologyThe following four functions perform basic operations of mathematical morphology on imagesequences.Fig. 5-17As generalization of the morphology of two-dimensional images to three dimensions the structuralelements are small volumina.LiteratureBomans, M.; Höhne, K.-H.; Tiede, U.; Riemer, M.:3D-Segmentation of MR Images of the Head for 3-D DisplayIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 9, 1990, 177-183Schiemann, T.; Bomans, M.; Tiede, U.; Höhne, K.-H.:Interactive 3D-Segmentation of Tomographic Image Volumes14. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung, Springer-Verlag 1992, 73-80