INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 User InterfaceB 40-051 e 07/98 5-11To start the automatic animation of an image sequence start the Player tool by clicking on the button. The colour selection for the channels can be activated by clicking on the button . A colourimage can be displayed as a grey value image by clicking on the button .PlayerThis function plays back the sequential images of an image sequence.Fig. 5-4The image sequence is displayed in the Display window. The display process is working as abackground task; other functions can be executed while the player is running. There are several ways tostop the player:by closing the player windowby pushing the red Stop button of the player window (the window remains open)by closing the image window.The Increment parameter specifies whether each sequential image (1) should be displayed or whethersome sequential images should be skipped during display. The value 2 skips one image for everysequential image displayed, in other words, it displays only every second image.The parameter Wait Time states the delay in milliseconds between two successive sequential images.The maximum display speed depends mainly on the hardware. The sequential images are alwaysdisplayed in their entirety, regardless of the set delay.