INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-61MethodThe Input sequence defines the data to be reconstructed. If it is a multichannel sequence one or allchannels can be selected for the reconstruction.Output sets the name of the result image (sequence). If the sequence exists it is overwritten. Pressingthe button New will generate a new name (number). The size of the sequential images in Output isdetermined by the size of the sequential images in Input.Number of Views determines the number of reconstructions which should be computed. The radiobuttons Start and End define which angle settings are currently shown. A definition for the angle End isonly necessary if Number of Views is higher than 1. If this is true the result sequence will get viewsfrom the Start to the End angle definition. The other reconstructions are determined through thelinearly interpolated intermediate angles.The direction of view is determined from the angles as follows:The angle Angle Z determines the rotation of the direction of view on the Z-axis. The angle Angle Ydetermines the rotation of the direction of view on the Y-axis that has been rotated by the angleAngle Z. The angle Angle X determines the rotation of the direction of view on an X-axis that is rotatedby Angle Z and Angle Y.Channel defines if the following parameters are valid for All or just for one. Defining the opacity for thechannels independently is useful when the brightness and contrast of the channels differ too much.Threshold defines the range with no opacity. It is completely transparent. The range starts at greyvalue 0.The length of slope is defined by Ramp. The maximum opacity value is set with the parameter Max.Opacity. This range ends at the maximum grey value. The Opacity Table shows the grey valuehistogram of Input with the opacity definition as a red line.When Auto Update is selected, the reconstruction is updated automatically whenever a parameter ismodified (except Input, Output, or Number of Views). Show Cube defines whether a wire framecube is shown in the Display window or not. PreviousNext |