OPERATIONImage Acquisition (Acquire) LSM 5104-28 B 40-051 e 07/984.5.1 Laser settings Click on the button. This opens the "Laser Control" window, which shows all lasers connected to the system.The Laser Selection and Power Status panel,shows the types, operating statuses and excitationwavelengths of the lasers available. Click on the desired laser on the LaserSelection and Power Status panel. This highlights the selected laser.On the "Laser Control" window, activate the laser as follows:This applies to Coherent UV-Laser 653 II (Enterprise) and Ar-multiline Laser: Click on the button. Wait for the laser to heat up, until the Status ready - Standby message appears. Click on the button. Status ready - On appears. Use the Power [%] slider to set the laser power which is ideal for the measurement job. To do this,click on the slider and drag it while keeping the left mouse button depressed.To change the laser power in steps of 1%, keep the key depressed while clicking the mouseon the or arrow buttons.Thus, the laser needed for image acquisition is available.Enterprise: Set power between 50 and 100 % of the maximum tube current.Optimum operation is at 20 A (Tube Current [A]).Argon: Set power between 25 and 100 % of the maximum tube current.Optimum operation is at 8 A.Fig. 4-31