INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-23This function adds the two image sequences Input 1 and Input 2 voxel by voxel and generates theimage sequence Output. Note that a resulting grey value may be greater than 255 (4095). Theparameter Mode determines how a range overflow is handled:1 - Wrap No normalization - the grey values are displayed modulo 256 (4096). If the resultis greater than 255 (4095), the value 256 (4096) is subtracted from it.2 - Clip Grey values which exceed 255 (4095) are replaced with 255 (4095).3 - Normalize The resulting grey value range is scaled to the range 0...255 (0...4095).Parameters:Input 1 First input image sequenceInput 2 Second input image sequenceOutput Output image sequenceMode 1 - Wrap2 - Clip3 - Normalize