OPERATIONLSM 510 Image OptimizationB 40-051 e 07/98 4-91Automatic pinhole adjustment and collimatorThe position of the pinhole (X-Y-Z-coordinates) inrelation to the detector makes a majorcontribution to image optimization.In all of the available standard configurations, thepinhole positions are factory-adjusted and areactivated when a standard configuration is loaded.The automatic adjustment allows the LSM 510pinholes to be used with any combination of beamsplitters. Click on the < Adjust Automatically > button. The Requirements for Adjustment dialogbox will then appear. Meet the requirements listed in the dialog boxand press the button Pinhole adjustment will then runautomatically. The adjusting procedure takesapprox. 3 min. The determined data are storedautomatically and will be available for allfurther examinations using the sameconfigurationFig. 4-100