INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 Performance Features of the LSM 510B 40-051 e 07/98 3-9e) The analyzer slider for conventional DIC methods will be operated from the right side and is locatedjust below the nosepiece.When the rod is pushed in, the analyzer is located in the beam path. In LSM-mode the analyzer must notbe located in the beam path, analyzer rod must be pulled out.f) The stands dispose of two additional ports, a side port and a base port respectively.One of these ports is equipped with the LSM 5 special interface, the other one with the TV interface. TheLSM 5 scanning module can be mounted to the special interface port. Different camera systems can beadapted to the TV interface using the TV adapters 452982/83/92/94/95/97/98.The light reaches the ports over full mirrors. Therefore all light is available at side port, base port or forconventional microscopy.Bringing the beam path to the desired direction you must use the two rods on the right side of thestand.The upper rod is designed to the side port. When the rod is pulled out, all the light is directed to the sideport.The lower rod is designed for the base port. When the rod is pushed in, all the light is directed to thebase port, however the upper rod must be pushed in too.To direct light to the tube, the upper rod must be pushed in, the lower rod must be pulled out.Logic scheme of the rods:(2) Specimen stagesa) Mechanical stage 000000-1017-918The stage must be mounted with the coaxial drive on the right side of the stand.b) Scanning stage 000000-1017-917The scanning stage can only be used, when the LSM 5 scanning module is mounted to the base port.