OPERATIONLSM 510 AnnexB 40-051 e 07/98 4-195Gain and offset in Ratio channelIf the setting of the PMT channel is finished, the range of the ratio channel is adjusted by the parametersin the corresponding formalism. There are three types of formulas offered, when the button ispushed. The only formula needed for a ratio image with the monitor-diode is type 1:S1+nS2+m * x + yThe values for n and m have to be zero, as well as the value for y. Any deviation from zero will decreasethe contrast of the ratio image.Only the value of x shall be influenced by the user. Dependent on the choice of data depth (8 or 12 bit),x is between 0 and 256 (8bit) or between 0 and 4096 (12bit).Fig. 4-181