OPERATIONAnnex LSM 5104-178 B 40-051 e 07/98The shift is read off from the microscope stages. In the case of the manual Axioplan 2 stage, x can beread directly from the scale adhered to the front of the stage. In the case of the manual Axiovert 100stage, a scale is located on the right of the knob, where the 45 mm x shift relative to the zero positionof the microscope stage can be read off. The x value is positive for both stages if shift from the zeroposition is made to the right and negative if the shift is made to the left.On account of the inclined position of the stage tongue, the object is also shifted laterally during the finefocusing motion. This lateral shift is negligibly small if, as recommended by us, specimen carriers withthickness 1.0 mm are used exclusively. Otherwise, the marked lateral shift of the object during finefocusing can result in image distortion. For the same reason, Petri dishes without fixation ring must beused exclusively.The nosepiece of the Axiovert stand is moved to the load position prior to switching off the LSM systemand the HRZ 200 is then moved to the lowest position to avoid damage of the objective or object by apossible collision. The user must refocus after start-up of the system. Before an objective change in theAxiovert or the Axioplan, the nosepiece and the microscope stage must be moved to the Load Positionby the user, and then back to the Work Position to prevent the objectives from hitting the HRZcomponents. This is performed automatically if the objectives are changed menu-controlled via therelevant buttons of the LSM program.The HRZ 200 for the Axiovert 100 M (1013 186) or for the Axioplan 2 MOT (1013 187) can be attachedto the following standard microscope stages: mechanical stage 85 x 130 for Axiovert (45 13 39) scanning stage DC 100 x 90 for Axiovert (45 17 40) mechanical stages 75 x 50 for Axioplan (45 35 05, 45 35 02-99 04, 45 35 07) scanning stage DC 4“ x 4“ for Axioplan (45 35 85-99 01)In the case of the last configuration, the object plane is shifted upwards so that Köhler illumination andclassical transmitted-light microscopy will no longer be possible because the condenser cannot be movedsufficiently close to the object.The user will not have to deal with any other restrictions.