INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-65Measurement ProcessThe measurement process consists of three steps: region definition, checking of the validity of theregions, and feature calculation.Region definition: - Automatically from the mask imageRegion validation check depends on: - Minimum volume- Measurement conditionFeature calculation depends on - Shape of the region- Densitometric value distribution of the region- Feature parametersImageRegionValidregion DataMinimum volumeMeasurement conditionFeature nameFeature parameterMeasure-mentRegionfilter Image sequenceRegiongeneratorFig. 5-36All regions found are checked according to certain conditions. The voxel volume of each region must beequal to or greater than MinVolume. The measurement condition must be fulfilled. Only those regionsthat meet all the conditions are valid for the measurement. The region can be measured or labeled.Measurement is a process that produces data. Labeling is a process that generates an image volume.