INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYFunctions LSM 5105-20 B 40-051 e 07/98Edit ChannelsThis function allows to add or to remove channels to a single or multichannel image.On the Add Channel tab sheet the channels of (different) Input sequences can be defined to add(combine) channels to an Output sequence.Fig. 5-9This operation is useful to add a segmented channel (or any other result of a function) to the originalimage sequence. The selected channels of Input 1 and Input 2 are copied to Output. The maximumnumber of channels in an image sequence is eight.If the image sequences do not have the same extents Output Size defines which input is taken as areference. This selection also defines the properties for scaling and units in the output image sequences.Parameters:Input 1 First input image sequenceInput 2 Second input image sequenceOutput Output image sequenceOutput size Defines source image sequence for size, scaling, and units