INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-31Contrast – LinearizeThis function scales a range of grey values of an image sequence to equal area fractions in thehistogram.Fig. 5-15The Linearize tab sheet of the Contrast dialog window must be selected.This function enhances the contrast by linearizing the histogram of the image sequence to equal areafractions in the histogram. The areas (voxel count multiplied by grey value range) of all grey values in theOutput histogram are the same. This function is used to achieve a better view of an image sequence.When Skip Black is checked the grey value 0 will not be taken into account for linearization.Input indicates the sequence to enhance. If it is a multichannel sequence, a single channel, all channels,or any number can be selected. The Input histogram shows the grey value distribution of the selectedchannels of the Input image sequence.Output defines the range of the result sequence. It will get only these channels which are chosen by theInput parameter. The grey value (intensity) resolution will be the same as the one from Input.