INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYFunctions LSM 5105-76 B 40-051 e 07/98A single object of interest can be visualized. Clicking on a specific row in the data grid chooses theobject. By selecting a row in the data grid a new image is created with the object of interest visualized.The visualization depends on the settings in the Object Visualisation field. If Render is chosen, theobject of interest is displayed with the Surface Rendering method. If Mask is chosen, the object islabelled in a pseudo colour in a new image stack.Parameters:Mask Image Single channel mask image sequence that defines the objectsDens Image Image sequence for densitometric measurement and property sourceObject Stores measurement values of objects, including database filenameVolume Stores volume measurement values of objects, including database filenameLabel Generates an image sequence with all objects labelled in different pseudocoloursClipboard Measurement values are automatically written to the clipboard