OPERATIONLSM 510 Routine ModeB 40-051 e 07/98 4-714.6 Routine ModeThe Routine Mode of the LSM 510 softwarepermits the fast and easy acquisition of scanningimages by using time-tested StandardExamination Methods or by User DefinedExamination Methods.Standard Examination Methods are included inthe LSM 510 software package and must only beactivated once during the first application of theroutine mode.User Defined Examination Methods aremethods which were already created andoptimized in the Expert Mode. If User DefinedExamination Methods are also to be used in theRoutine Mode, they must be exported in theRoutine Mode first. Apart from User DefinedExamination Methods, stacks and time seriescan also be exported to the routine mode inaddition to simple frames.4.6.1 Activate Standard ExaminationMethods in the Routine Mode Start the LSM program. Click on the button (Fig.4-71) in the LSM 510 switchboard menu. The "Routine Mode - Select ExaminationMethod" window will appear. Click on the button. The "Select Method To Add" windowappears on the screen.Fig. 4-71Fig. 4-72 PreviousNext |