INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-59Render - Surface: Method DescriptionThis method displays the surface of structures in the Input sequence shaded as if a light illuminated it.The position of the light is behind the view point with parallel rays in the direction of the sequence.The input sequence is segmented into object and background by grey value thresholding: object voxelsare within the grey value range Grey Low to Grey High.Each Output pixel corresponds to a point at the surface at which the ray in view direction through theOutput pixels hits the surface. All rays are parallel.The surface normal required for shading in this gradient renderer is the grey value gradient in the Inputvolume at the surface voxel position. It is not the geometric surface normal. The grey value gradient isdetermined from the grey values in a 3x3x3 cube around the surface voxel by averaging e.g. the x-gradient in y- and z-direction [4].There is no depth cueing (far objects would appear darker).The illumination model is a Phong model [1] (surface normal is determined for each Output pixel) withdiffuse reflection and specular reflection. Diffuse reflection means that the surface reflects light withequal intensity in all directions. The brightness of a given surface patch depends not on the view-direction, but only on the angle between light and surface normal. Specular reflection is observed onshiny surfaces as a highlight. The light is reflected as from a mirror. The maximum intensity is observedwhen the view direction is the one of the mirrored light direction. PreviousNext |