OPERATIONLSM 510 Analysis of Images and StacksB 40-051 e 07/98 4-121(21) Display - Coloc.The Display-Coloc. function presents a comparison between two images by computing a scatter diagram(colocalization).How a scatter diagram is generated:All pixels having the same positions in both images are considered a pair. Of every pair of pixels (P1, P2)from the two source images, the brightness level of pixel P1 is interpreted as X coordinate, and that ofpixel P2 as Y coordinate of the scatter diagram. The value of the pixel thus addressed is increased by oneevery time, up to the maximum number of pixels used. This way, each pixel of the scatter diagram is avalue that shows how often a particular pair of pixels has occurred.Differences between the images cause irregular spots in the scatter diagram.Fig. 4-129