INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYUser Interface LSM 5105-8 B 40-051 e 07/98Edit MenuCopy Copies the contents of the Display window to the clipboard.Edit Channels Allows to add or to remove channels to a single or multichannel image.Delete All Images Deletes all images and image sequences from the memory.Process MenuArithmetics Adds or subtracts the grey values of two image sequences(Add, Subtract).Contrast Enhances the contrast and brightness of an image sequence(Interactive, Automatic, Linearize).Smooth Smoothes an image sequence.Morphology Performs morphological operations on image sequences(Erode, Dilate, Open, Close).Segment Segmentates an image sequence to propose measurement(Interactive, Automatic).Boolean Combines two image sequences by Boolean operations(And, Or, Not, Xor, Mask).Scrap Selects or deletes objects of a defined size.Fill Holes Fills holes in objects.