INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-47Segment - AutomaticThe function carries out an automatic grey value segmentation by means of thresholding.Fig. 5-25The Automatic tab sheet of the Segment dialog window must be selected. Segmentation is especiallyused to generate binary regions. These are required for the measurement.The function calculates the two strongest local minimums in the histogram of the Input imagesequence. These values are used for the discrimination. Only one channel of a multichannel sequencecan be selected as Input. Output will always be a single channel sequence. The vertical scaling of thehistogram can be adjusted with the scroll bar at the right edge of the histogram. This setting has noinfluence on the function.The Green and Blue/Red option buttons of the parameter Colour determine whether the voxels within(Green) or outside (Blue/Red) of the grey value interval [L, H] are displayed with the correspondingcolour.If Green is selected, the voxels within the selected interval are highlighted in green. The rest of theimage retains its original grey values. The voxels with the grey values Low and Low+1 are displayed inblue. The voxels with the grey values High and High-1 are displayed in red.