INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 FunctionsB 40-051 e 07/98 5-33Smooth (Gauss)This function performs a Gauss filter.Fig. 5-16The noise in the image sequence is reduced, the edge shape is nearly unchanged, local maxima areleveled, the dynamic range is reduced.Image sequences should be smoothed before they are reconstructed or segmented. For most sequencesa Size value of 3 is sufficient enough. If Input is a multichannel sequence, any number and combinationof channels can be selected. Output will only get the selected channels as results.The grey value of every pixel is substituted by a weighted average of its surrounding neighbors. Theneighbors are defined by a cube. The affected pixel is the central pixel of the filter cube. The weightedfilter cube is approximated by a binomial distribution. The size of the filter cube is set using the Sizescroll bar. Even numbers are set to the next odd value. The Size defines the strength of the smoothing.Parameters:Input Input image sequenceOutput Output image sequenceSize Filter size (3...31, only odd numbers)