INTRODUCTION TO LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYFunctions LSM 5105-58 B 40-051 e 07/98Use the parameter Reflection to control the ratio of diffuse and reflective brightness components, i.e.,the overall basic brightness compared with the highlights. When the value of Reflection is low, thehighlights predominate; when the values are high, the region appears to be uniformly illuminated andthe highlights are not so pronounced. When Auto Update is selected, the reconstruction is updatedautomatically whenever a parameter is modified (except Input, Output, or Number of Views). ShowCube defines whether a wire frame cube is shown in the Display window or not.ApplicationThis method can be applied, if the structures in the Input sequence can be segmented by grey valuethresholding. Because the gradient is calculated for every pixel, the Output appears in very fine detail.Noisy Input sequences must be smoothed (function Smooth) before rendering, otherwise the surfaceappears rough.Parameters:Input Input image sequenceOutput Resulting image sequenceNumber of Views Number of reconstructions to be calculatedAngle X Angle of rotation on the X-axis, start positionAngle Y Angle of rotation on the Y-axis, start positionAngle Z Angle of rotation on the Z-axis, start positionChannel All - The following parameters are valid for all channelsX - The following parameters are valid for the selected channel onlyGrey Low Low grey value threshold of the region to be displayedGrey High High grey value threshold of the region to be displayedAperture Measure of the extent of the highlightsReflection Weight of the defuse brightness components in comparison to thehighlightsAuto Update 0 - Function execution is performed on OK or Apply1 - Function execution for the current angle is performed on any parameterchangeShow Cube 0 - The wire frame cube is not shown1 - The wire frame cube is shown in the Display window