Keys, Doors and Windows 1-5Keyless LockingIf the vehicle has the keylessaccess system, this feature allowsyou to select whether the doorsautomatically lock during normalvehicle exit. When the vehicle isturned off and all doors becomeclosed, the vehicle will determinehow many keyless accesstransmitters remain in the vehicleinterior. If at least one keylessaccess transmitter has beenremoved from the interior of thevehicle, the doors will lock afterseveral seconds.If there are two keyless accesstransmitters in the vehicle andone is removed, the other will belocked in. A person approaching theoutside of the locked vehicle withoutan authorized keyless accesstransmitter will not be able to openthe door, even with the transmitter inthe vehicle.You may temporarily disable thekeyless locking feature by pressingand holding the power door unlockbutton on the instrument panel forseveral seconds with a door open.Keyless locking will then remaindisabled until the door lock switch ispressed, or until the vehicle isturned on.To customize whether the doorsautomatically lock when you exitthe vehicle, see “Passive Locking”under Vehicle Personalization onpage 4‑41.Lock SensorWhen all doors are closed and theignition is off, the vehicle can belocked by pressing this area on thedoor handle. This feature will beavailable for several minutes afterthe vehicle has been turned off.