Customer Information 12-9CoverageServices are provided up to 5 years/100,000 miles (160 000 km),whichever comes first.In the U.S., anyone driving thevehicle is covered. In Canada, aperson driving the vehicle withoutpermission from the owner is notcovered.Roadside Assistance is not a part ofthe New Vehicle Limited Warranty.Cadillac and General Motors ofCanada Limited reserve the right tomake any changes or discontinuethe Roadside Assistance program atany time without notification.Cadillac and General Motors ofCanada Limited reserve the right tolimit services or payment to anowner or driver if they decide theclaims are made too often, or thesame type of claim is made manytimes.Cadillac Owner Privileges™. Emergency Fuel Delivery:Delivery of enough fuel for thevehicle to get to the nearestservice station.. Lock‐Out Service: Service isprovided to unlock the vehicle ifyou are locked out. A remoteunlock may be available if youhave OnStar ® . For securityreasons, the driver must presentidentification before this serviceis given.. Emergency Tow From a PublicRoad or Highway: Tow to thenearest Cadillac dealer forwarranty service, or if the vehiclewas in a crash and cannot bedriven. Assistance is also givenwhen the vehicle is stuck in thesand, mud, or snow.. Flat Tire Change: Service isprovided to change a flat tirewith spare tire. The spare tire,if equipped, must be in goodcondition and properly inflated.It is your responsibility for therepair or replacement of the tireif it is not covered by thewarranty.. Battery Jump Start: Service isprovided to jump start a deadbattery.. Trip Routing Service: Detailedmaps of North America areprovided when requested eitherwith the most direct route or themost scenic route. Additionaltravel information is alsoavailable. Allow three weeks fordelivery.. Trip Interruption Benefits andAssistance: If your trip isinterrupted due to a warrantyfailure, incidental expenses maybe reimbursed during the 5 year/100,000 miles (160 000 km)Powertrain warranty period.Items considered are hotel,meals, and rental car.