6-62 Infotainment SystemDual Tone Multi-Frequency(DTMF) TonesThe in‐vehicle Bluetooth system cansend numbers and the numbersstored as name tags during a call.Use this feature when calling amenu driven phone system. Accountnumbers can also be stored for use.Sending a Number During a Call1. Press b g. The systemresponds “Ready” followed bya tone.2. Say “Dial”. The system responds“Say a number to send tones”followed by a tone.3. Say the number to send.. If the system recognizesthe number it responds“OK, Sending Number” andthe dial tones are sent andthe call continues.. If the system does notrecognize the number itresponds “Dial Number,please say yes or no?”followed by a tone. If thenumber is correct, say“Yes”. The system responds“OK, Sending Number” andthe dial tones are sent andthe call continues.Sending a Stored Name TagDuring a Call1. Press b g. The systemresponds “Ready” followed bya tone.2. Say “Send name tag.” Thesystem responds “Say a nametag to send tones” followed bya tone.3. Say the name tag to send.. If the system recognizesthe number it responds“OK, Sending ”and the dial tones are sentand the call continues.. If the system does notrecognize the name tag itresponds “Dial ,please say yes or no?”followed by a tone. If thename tag is correct, say“Yes”. The system respondswith “OK, Sending tag>” and the dial tones aresent and the call continues.Clearing the SystemUnless information is deleted out ofthe in‐vehicle Bluetooth system, itwill be retained indefinitely. Thisincludes all saved name tags in thephone book and phone pairinginformation. For information on howto delete this information, see theprevious sections on Deleting aPaired Phone and DeletingName Tags.