4-48 Instruments and ControlsLocation information about thevehicle is only available if the GPSsatellite signals are unobstructedand available.The vehicle must have a workingelectrical system, includingadequate battery power, for theOnStar equipment to operate. Thereare other problems OnStar cannotcontrol that may prevent OnStarfrom providing OnStar service atany particular time or place. Someexamples are damage to importantparts of the vehicle in a crash, hills,tall buildings, tunnels, weather orwireless phone network congestion.OnStar Steering WheelControlsThis vehicle may have a Talk/Mutebutton that can be used to interactwith OnStar hands-free calling.See Steering Wheel Controls onpage 4‑6 for more information.On some vehicles, the mute buttoncan be used to dial numbers intovoice mail systems, or to dial phoneextensions. See the OnStar Owner'sGuide for more information.Your ResponsibilityIncrease the volume of the radio ifthe OnStar advisor cannot be heard.If the light next to the OnStarbuttons is red, the system maynot be functioning properly.Press Q and request a vehiclediagnostic. If the light appears clear(no light is appearing), your OnStarsubscription has expired and allservices have been deactivated.Press Q to confirm that the OnStarequipment is active.Universal RemoteSystemSee Radio Frequency Statement onpage 12‑19 for informationregarding Part 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)Rules and RSS-210/211 of IndustryCanada.