5-4 LightingCity LightingIf the vehicle speed is less than50 km/h (31 mph), the headlamprange is automatically reduced.Tourist LightingTo help prevent headlamp glare foroncoming drivers, when using lefthand drive vehicles in right handdrive countries and vice versa, dothe following:. Pull and hold the turn signal/lanechange lever.. Turn on the ignition.. Wait 3 seconds, a signal willsound and the AFL controlindicator flashes for 4 seconds.. Release the turn signal/lanechange lever.The AFL control indicator flashes for4 seconds each time the ignition isturned on.To deactivate tourist lighting, repeatthe steps above. The AFL controlindicator will not flash when touristlighting has been deactivated.Twilight SentinelThis feature automatically turns thelamps on and off. A light sensor ontop of the instrument panel makesthe Twilight Sentinel ® work, so besure it is not covered.With Twilight Sentinel ® the followingwill happen:. When it is dark enough outside,the Daytime Running Lamps(DRL) go off, and the headlampsand parking lamps come on. Theother lamps that come on withthe headlamps also come on.. When it is bright enough outside,the headlamps go off, and theDRL come on, as long as theexterior lamp switch is in theAUTO position.If the vehicle is started in a darkgarage, the automatic headlampsystem comes on immediately. If itis light outside when the vehicleleaves the garage, there is aslight delay before the automaticheadlamp system changes to theDRL. During that delay, theinstrument panel cluster may not beas bright as usual. Make sure theinstrument panel brightness controlis in full bright position. SeeInstrument Panel IlluminationControl on page 5‑6 for moreinformation.The vehicle can be idled with thelamps off, even when it is darkoutside. After starting the vehicle,turn the exterior lamp control to off,then release it. The lamps willremain off until the control is turnedto off again.Twilight Sentinel ® also providesexterior illumination as you leavethe vehicle. If Twilight Sentinel ®has turned on the lamps when theignition is turned off, the lampsremain on until:. The exterior lamp control ismoved from O to the parkinglamp position, or. the delay time selected haselapsed.