2-24 Seats and RestraintsSafety Belt PretensionersThis vehicle has safety beltpretensioners for front outboardoccupants. Although the safety beltpretensioners cannot be seen, theyare part of the safety belt assembly.They can help tighten the safetybelts during the early stages of amoderate to severe frontal andnear frontal crash and will deploy inside, rear and rollover events if thethreshold conditions for pretensioneractivation are met.Pretensioners work only once. If thepretensioners activate in a crash,they will need to be replaced, andprobably other new parts for thevehicle's safety belt system. SeeReplacing Safety Belt System PartsAfter a Crash on page 2‑27.Rear Safety Belt ComfortGuidesThis vehicle may have rear shoulderbelt comfort guides for the outboardpassenger positions in the rear seat.If not, they are available throughyour dealer/retailer. The guidesmay provide added safety beltcomfort for older children who haveoutgrown booster seats and forsome adults. When installed on ashoulder belt, and properly adjusted,the comfort guide positions the beltaway from the neck and head.Here is how to install a comfortguide to the safety belt:1. Remove the guide from itsstorage pocket on the side ofthe seat.2. Place the guide over the belt,and insert the two edges of thebelt into the slots of the guide.