9-16 Vehicle CareCooling SystemWhen it is safe to lift the hood:3.0 L V6 Engine shown, 2.8 LV6 Engine similarA. Engine Cooling FansB. Engine Coolant Surge Tank andPressure Cap{ WARNINGAn electric engine cooling fanunder the hood can start up evenwhen the engine is not runningand can cause injury. Keephands, clothing, and tools awayfrom any underhood electric fan.If the coolant inside the coolantsurge tank is boiling, do not doanything else until it cools down.The vehicle should be parked on alevel surface.The coolant level should bebetween the MIN and MAX lines.If it is not, you may have a leak atthe radiator hoses, heater hoses,radiator, water pump, or somewhereelse in the cooling system.{ WARNINGHeater and radiator hoses, andother engine parts, can be veryhot. Do not touch them. If you do,you can be burned.Do not run the engine if there is aleak. If you run the engine, itcould lose all coolant. That couldcause an engine fire, and youcould be burned. Get any leakfixed before you drive the vehicle.If there seems to be no leak, withthe engine on, check to see ifthe electric engine cooling fanis running. If the engine isoverheating, the fan should berunning. If it is not, your vehicleneeds service. Turn off the engine.