12-2 Customer InformationSTEP TWO : If after contacting amember of dealership management,it appears your concern cannot beresolved by the dealership withoutfurther help, in the United States,call the Cadillac CustomerAssistance Center, 24 hours a day,at 1-800-458-8006. In Canada, callthe Canadian Cadillac CustomerCommunication Centre at1-888-446-2000.We encourage you to call thetoll-free number in order to give yourinquiry prompt attention. Have thefollowing information available togive the Customer AssistanceRepresentative:. Vehicle Identification Number(VIN). This is available from thevehicle registration or title, or theplate at the top left of theinstrument panel and visiblethrough the windshield.. Dealership name and location.. Vehicle delivery date andpresent mileage.When contacting Cadillac,remember that your concern willlikely be resolved at a dealer'sfacility. That is why we suggestfollowing Step One first.STEP THREE (U.S. Owners): BothGeneral Motors and your dealer arecommitted to making sure you arecompletely satisfied with your newvehicle. However, if you continue toremain unsatisfied after followingthe procedure outlined in Steps Oneand Two, you can file with the BetterBusiness Bureau (BBB) Auto LineProgram to enforce your rights.The BBB Auto Line Program is anout of court program administeredby the Council of Better BusinessBureaus to settle automotivedisputes regarding vehicle repairs orthe interpretation of the New VehicleLimited Warranty. Although you maybe required to resort to this informaldispute resolution program prior tofiling a court action, use of theprogram is free of charge and yourcase will generally be heard within40 days. If you do not agree with thedecision given in your case, youmay reject it and proceed with anyother venue for relief availableto you.You may contact the BBB Auto LineProgram using the toll-freetelephone number or write them atthe following address:BBB Auto Line ProgramCouncil of Better BusinessBureaus, Inc.4200 Wilson BoulevardSuite 800Arlington, VA 22203-1838Telephone: 1-800-955-5100dr.bbb.org/goautoThis program is available in all50 states and the District ofColumbia. Eligibility is limited byvehicle age, mileage and otherfactors. General Motors reservesthe right to change eligibilitylimitations and/or discontinue itsparticipation in this program.