9-12 Vehicle CareEngine Oil Life SystemWhen to Change Engine OilThis vehicle has a computer systemthat indicates when to change theengine oil and filter. This is basedon engine revolutions and enginetemperature, and not on mileage.Based on driving conditions, themileage at which an oil change isindicated can vary considerably. Forthe oil life system to work properly,the system must be reset every timethe oil is changed.When the system has calculatedthat oil life has been diminished, itindicates that an oil change isnecessary. A “Change Engine OilSoon” message comes on. SeeEngine Oil Messages onpage 4‑36. Change the oil as soonas possible within the next 1 000 km(600 miles). It is possible that,if driving under the best conditions,the oil life system might not indicatethat an oil change is necessary forover a year. However, the engine oiland filter must be changed at leastonce a year and at this time thesystem must be reset. Your dealer/retailer has trained service peoplewho will perform this work usinggenuine parts and reset the system.It is also important to check the oilregularly and keep it at the properlevel.If the system is ever resetaccidentally, the oil must bechanged at 5 000 km (3,000 miles)since the last oil change.Remember to reset the oil lifesystem whenever the oil is changed.How to Reset the Engine OilLife SystemReset the system whenever theengine oil is changed so that thesystem can calculate the nextengine oil change. To reset thesystem:1. Using the DIC MENU buttonand thumbwheel on the turnsignal lever, display “Oil LifeRemaining” on the DIC. SeeDriver Information Center (DIC)on page 4‑29 and Engine OilMessages on page 4‑36.2. Press the SET button to resetthe oil life at 100%.Be careful not to reset the oillife display accidentally at anytime other than after the oil ischanged. It cannot be resetaccurately until the next oilchange.