Infotainment System 6-37In severe or extreme weatherconditions the RSE system may notwork until the temperature is withinthe operating range. The operatingrange is above −20°C (−4°F)and below 60°C (140°F). If thetemperature is outside of this range,heat or cool the vehicle until it iswithin the operating range.Global OffDepending on the infotainmentsystem, the RSE system may havea Global Off feature. The GlobalOff feature disables all RSE systemfeatures. Press and hold theradio power button for more thanthree seconds for Global Off todisable the RSE features.A padlock icon may display onthe infotainment screen when theGlobal Off feature is on. On someinfotainment systems, the GlobalOff feature can be turned off byperforming one of the following:. Press and hold the radiopower button for more thanthree seconds.. Insert or eject any disc.. Insert a DVD video disc.. Press the Remote Control powerbutton.. Press the MEM/DVD/AUX buttonor the k button when a DVDvideo disc is in the player.. Press the SRC button on thesteering wheel when a DVDvideo disc is in the player.. Cycle the ignition.HeadphonesRSE includes two 2-channelwireless headphones. Channel 1is dedicated to the DVD player,and Channel 2 is dedicated toRSA selections. The headphonesare used to listen to variousmulti‐media. If the vehicle isnot equipped with RSA, thenchannel 2 is dedicated to anyexternal auxiliary device connectedto the rear A/V jacks. The wirelessheadphones have an On/Off button,channel 1/2 switch, and a volumecontrol. Turn the headphones offwhen not in use.Push the On/Off button to turn onthe headphones. A light on theheadphones comes on. If the lightdoes not come on, check thebatteries. Intermittent sound or staticcan also indicate weak batteries.See “Battery Replacement” later inthis section for more information.