2-34 Seats and RestraintsRollover capable roof-rail airbagsare designed to help contain thehead and chest of occupants in theoutboard seating positions in thefirst and second rows. The rollovercapable roof-rail airbags aredesigned to help reduce the risk offull or partial ejection in rolloverevents, although no system canprevent all such ejections.But airbags would not help inmany types of collisions, primarilybecause the occupant's motion isnot toward those airbags. See WhenShould an Airbag Inflate? onpage 2‑31 for more information.Airbags should never be regardedas anything more than a supplementto safety belts.What Will You See Afteran Airbag Inflates?After the frontal airbags andseat-mounted side impact airbagsinflate, they quickly deflate, soquickly that some people may noteven realize an airbag inflated.Roof-rail airbags may still be at leastpartially inflated for some time afterthey deploy. Some components ofthe airbag module may be hot forseveral minutes. For location of theairbag modules, see What Makesan Airbag Inflate? on page 2‑33.The parts of the airbag that comeinto contact with you may be warm,but not too hot to touch. There maybe some smoke and dust comingfrom the vents in the deflatedairbags. Airbag inflation does notprevent the driver from seeing out ofthe windshield or being able to steerthe vehicle, nor does it preventpeople from leaving the vehicle.{ WARNINGWhen an airbag inflates, theremay be dust in the air. This dustcould cause breathing problemsfor people with a history ofasthma or other breathing trouble.To avoid this, everyone in thevehicle should get out as soonas it is safe to do so. If you havebreathing problems but cannotget out of the vehicle after anairbag inflates, then get fresh airby opening a window or a door.If you experience breathingproblems following an airbagdeployment, you should seekmedical attention.The vehicle has a feature that mayautomatically unlock the doors, turnon the interior lamps and hazardwarning flashers, and shut off thefuel system after the airbags inflate.