8-54 Driving and OperatingMaintenance When TrailerTowingThe vehicle needs service moreoften when pulling a trailer. See thismanual's Maintenance Schedule orIndex for more information. Thingsthat are especially important intrailer operation are automatictransmission fluid, engine oil, axlelubricant, belts, cooling system andbrake system. Inspect these beforeand during the trip.Check periodically to see that allhitch nuts and bolts are tight.Engine Cooling When TrailerTowingThe cooling system may temporarilyoverheat during severe operatingconditions. See Engine Overheatingon page 9‑20.Trailer TowingBefore pulling a trailer, there arethree important considerations thathave to do with weight:. The weight of the trailer. The weight of the trailer tongue. The total weight on the vehicle'stiresWeight of the TrailerHow heavy can a trailer safely be?It depends on how the rig is used.For example, speed, altitude, roadgrades, outside temperature andhow much the vehicle is used to pulla trailer are all important. It candepend on any special equipmenton the vehicle, and the amount oftongue weight the vehicle can carry.See “Weight of the Trailer Tongue”later in this section for moreinformation.Maximum trailer weight is calculatedassuming only the driver is in thetow vehicle and it has all therequired trailering equipment. Theweight of additional optionalequipment, passengers and cargo inthe tow vehicle must be subtractedfrom the maximum trailer weight.