Keys, Doors and Windows 1-17If you do not hear the audible andvisual feedback when setting theintermediate stop position, you areattempting to set the height belowthe 3/4 open height minimum(approximately 5 feet). The liftgatecannot be set below that minimumand the new setting will not berecorded.Manual Operation of PowerLiftgateTo change the liftgate to manualoperation, turn the mode switch tothe OFF position.With the power liftgate disabledand all of the doors unlocked, theliftgate can be manually opened andclosed. Manual efforts of a vehicleequipped with a power liftgate willbe higher than a standardnon-power liftgate.To open the liftgate, press thetouchpad on the handle on theoutside of the liftgate, and lift thegate open. To close the liftgate, usethe pull cup to lower the liftgateand close. With the power liftgatedisabled, the liftgate electric latchwill still power latch once contact ismade with the striker. Always closethe liftgate before driving.If the RKE button is pressed whilepower operation is disabled, the turnsignals flash and the liftgate willnot move.The liftgate has an electric latch.If the battery is disconnected or haslow voltage, the liftgate will notopen. The liftgate will resumeoperation when the battery isreconnected and charged.Vehicle SecurityVehicle theft is big business,especially in some cities. Thisvehicle has theft-deterrent features,however, they do not make itimpossible to steal.Anti-Theft Alarm SystemThis vehicle has an anti-theft alarmsystem.The LED light, located on theinstrument panel near thewindshield, indicates the statusof the system.Arming the SystemTo arm the system,1. Close all doors, liftgateand hood.2. Lock the vehicle using thetransmitter. The LED on theinstrument panel should comeon and stay on for about30 seconds.