9-102 Vehicle CareNotice: If you leave the radio orother accessories on during thejump starting procedure, theycould be damaged. The repairswould not be covered by thewarranty. Always turn off theradio and other accessories whenjump starting the vehicle.3. Turn off the ignition on bothvehicles. Unplug unnecessaryaccessories plugged into thecigarette lighter or the accessorypower outlet. Turn off the radioand all lamps that are notneeded. This will avoid sparks,helping save both batteries andthe radio.4. Open the hood on the othervehicle and locate thepositive (+) and negative (−)terminal locations on thatvehicle.Open the hood on your vehicleand find the remote positive (+)and remote negative (−) jumpstarting terminals.Your vehicle is equipped with aremote positive (+) terminal (A)and a remote negative (−)terminal (B). The remotepositive (+) terminal is located inthe engine compartment on thedriver side of the vehicle, abovethe rear of the battery. Theremote negative (−) terminal is astud located in the enginecompartment on the driver sideof the vehicle, on the front tiebar. See Engine CompartmentOverview on page 9‑6 formore information on location.To uncover the remotepositive (+) terminal, lift open theaccess panel on the batterycover indicated by the (+) sign.{ WARNINGAn electric fan can start up evenwhen the engine is not runningand can injure you. Keep hands,clothing and tools away from anyunderhood electric fan.